Accurate weather data doesn’t come from regional forecasts.
Let’s be honest, the weatherman isn’t reliable enough for agricultural operations. Having access to local (better yet, on-site) weather data is critical in order for you to effectively manage freeze protection, allocate irrigation resources, plant at optimal soil temperature, monitor wind conditions, and determine ideal harvesting humidity. A local agricultural weather station is required for such data.
It can be discouraging to find that complex weather stations and data loggers are often costly and complicated, requiring technicians to configure and program. After all, your business isn’t in weather instrumentation. Still, your agricultural business could certainly benefit from high-quality, reliable weather instruments – especially those available at a reasonable price.
Dyacon was created with the small business in mind: combining reliability and affordability. Using DyaconLive (a service included with every weather station equipped with a cell phone), you can view specific variables from your station using SMS text message or a web browser. Email alerts can also be set for user-defined parameters.
Preconfigured for Agriculture
Dyacon weather stations are made in the USA and the MS-140 was preconfigured to the precise needs of you, the grower. Our solar‑powered weather stations with embedded cell phone can be located wherever they’re needed – and when combined with a Dyacon tripod they become portable, which allows you to relocate them as necessary to adjust to your changing crop allocation.
After the weather station is installed (a straightforward process you can do yourself), you can simply text a request to your weather station and a current weather report will be sent directly to your cell phone. Viewing current and historical data on DyaconLive (such as air temperature, rainfall, soil temperature, and wind direction/speed) is as simple as clicking a link on a mobile or desktop browser.
In addition to an Irrigation Report, DyaconLive boasts a Grower’s Report that uses on-site data to calculate Growing Degree Days (GDD). Our goal is to make on-site weather data as actionable as possible, and welcome any requests for DyaconLive features.
Basic measurements include the following: wind meter for wind speed and wind direction, air temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure. For farming and agricultural applications, we created the MS-140 – which includes grower-specific instruments (e.g., rain gauge, soil temperature sensor, and soil moisture sensor).
Ready-Made Weather Station For Growers
Met Station MS‑140
Solar powered with embedded cell phone.
- Wind sensor
- Temperature, air pressure, humidity sensor
- Soil temperature sensor
- Soil moisture sensor
- Rain gauge (option)
- Weather Underground connectivity