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Our Weather Stations

Contact us today for more information or for assistance configuring your own weather station or to request a quote.

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Basic weather station for cable connection. Includes wind, temperature, humidity, and pressure.

Starting at $2615


Fully-autonomous weather station with solar power, cell phone, web portal, and SMS text messaging.

Starting at $2990


Fully-autonomous weather station equipped with all basic features plus solar sensor and rain gauge.

Starting at $3990

Wind Sensor Type3-cup and Vane3-cup and Vane3-cup and Vane
Data Logger

Solar Powered

Modbus Slave

USB Device Port

Weather Underground

Dyacon Live

Over-the-Air Updates

Integrated Cell Phone

Text Message Reports

Wifi Connectivity
Sensors Included*MS-120MS-130MS-150
Wind Sensor
Soil Submersible Temp
Soil Moisture
Solar Sensor
Rain Gauge
Aspirated Radiation Shield

○ — Indicates upgrade option

* Other sensors are available. Contact us if you see something else you want to add.