DyaconLive is an ad-free weather portal to view data from your Dyacon weather station. Each weather station equipped with a Dyacon cell phone plan or WiFi includes this feature!
DyaconLive+ (Plus) is the premium version and adds:
- Multi-user (Admin, Manager, Basic)
- Reports: Irrigation (Et0), Fire Weather, Grow-degree Days, Summary, and more.
- Maintenance Management System
- Network List
- Email alerts
You can read more about the differences between Basic and Plus on the news page.
Features in the following sections that are tied to DyaconLive+ are marked with: (+).

Most users will utilize the standard weather data dashboard mode, which is shown above.
For aviation weather users, Aviation Mode offers altimeter, density altitude, estimated cloud base, runway indication, weather forecast, and more. The page can be displayed as:
Conventional weather dashboard
Console mode for flight planning rooms
The maintenance management system allows technicians to enter their own service schedule for the various sensors. Notifications are visible at the top of the Status page. Activities can be recorded on a data entry form. Site equipment is tracked in a table at the bottom.
Read more here.

DyaconLive can generate a number of reports, including:
- Grow Degree Days
- Irrigation Report – Including net water and evapotranspiration (ETo)
- Fire Weather Report
- Summary Report – General min-max type of report.
More are coming.