Dyacon gives you current, site-specific conditions whenever you need them. Using DyaconLive (a service included with every weather station equipped with a cell phone), you can view aviation-specific variables such as density altitude. A network-connected webcam can be used to view the runway conditions on DyaconLive as well.
Our stations are
pre-configured for aviation.
- Wind Speed and Direction
- Air Temperature
- Relative Humidity
- Barometric Pressure
View the Data
- Text message reports
- DyaconLive
- Weather Underground
- FTP or Email
DyaconLive – General
- Included with Cell phone or WiFi equipped station
- Private and Public accessibility
- Self-configured Alarms
DyaconLive – Aviation
- Altimeter Setting
- Density Altitude
- Estimated Cloudbase
- Self-Configured Alarms