EMSP-1™ serial port expansion module can handle up to eight digital sensor connections.
Up to 16 ports can be supported by adding two modules on the sensor input (right) side of MDL-700.
- Eight serial ports
- Standard Linux serial port access
- Individually software selectable as RS-232 or RS-485
- Software controlled bias and termination resistors
- SDI-12 compatible ports
- Regulated 12.6 V power on each port
- Application accessible system current and voltage values
- Discrete pluggable terminal connectors for each sensor
Contact Dyacon for backplane and enclosure extension requirements.
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MDL-700™ may be programmed to monitor a range of sensors and control outputs using available expansion boards. This makes the system adaptable for:
- Environmental research
- Remote site monitoring
- Remote command and control
- Process automation
- Equipment testing