Dyacon weather stations have always been compatible with Weather Underground. This has been a low-cost web portal option for our users, serving both their internal company needs and as a publicity tool. It has been used by our researcher customers as well as for aviation, industrial, and safety users. While useful, Weather Underground has a few drawbacks:
1) the advertisements are annoying,
2) only a few of the available Dyacon sensors are charted, and
3) there no user access controls, everything is public.
DyaconLive is a weather station web portal designed and programmed by Dyacon staff for Dyacon weather stations. It is the most exciting product we have introduced (at least to us) and we have some great plans for it. The first version was released in February 2018 and there are many enhancements that will be available in the coming months.
With the first version, DyaconLive corrects the principle deficiencies of Weather Underground:
1) there is no advertising,
2) all available Dyacon sensors are charted, and
3) the weather station owner (administrator) has both private and public accessibility options.
Planned releases in Q1 and Q2 of 2018 will add a station operational status page, custom date selection of charted values, multi-station administration, and many features that will make the weather data useful and actionable.
How Do I Get It?
DyaconLive is available for all Dyacon weather stations which have a cell phone installed. So, if your station is currently on Weather Underground or you have text message capability, you can use DyaconLive.
The only thing that is required is a firmware update to v145 or later. All Dyacon weather stations with a cell phone can be updated over the air for free. Just contact us to get the update command or we can run it for you.
Will I Still Get Weather Underground?
Yes. If DyaconLive is enabled, your current Weather Underground configuration will not change.
What About My Data?
If you want historical data from your weather station moved to DyaconLive, please let us know, we can import your log data into the database.
Don’t see what you want? Give us a call and let us know what you need; we want to make your weather station useful, not a novelty.
DyaconLive is just getting started and we have many other exciting (top secret) plans.
If you want a sneak peek at what we are working on, send us an email to join our beta test team.
Update: 29 March 2018
Chris and Eric released a new version of DyaconLive. The coolest part is the weather station status page that charts the battery voltage, solar panel voltage, and charger state. This gives users an excellent tool to evaluate battery condition. (You have to be the station admin user to see this, it doesn’t show up on the public link.)
Update: 30 April 2018
There has been a lot of work behind the scenes that will help us expand the features and capabilities of the site as well as additions to the front-end of DyaconLive.
Radio Signal Strength Added
Station Status page now includes cell phone signal strength chart to help admin users manage the equipment and location.
Chart Range Selection
The charting page allows users to select 2-day or 1 Week of chart span. Custom date range selection is coming soon.
2 Day Chart
Drag Zoom
Even when displaying a week of data, users can zoom in on the chart by a left-click and drag a selection box.
Zoom-in view.
Simply right click to return to the normal view.
For Station Network Users
For users that have multiple weather stations, we now have a multi-station selection page.
Work is ongoing. We have many new features planned.