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Weather Station MS-140 features


There are many environmental factors that must be monitored in the mining industry. Heat stress, heavy rains, winds, and lightning are all elements that must be closely watched to ensure personnel safety and ease of operations. What’s the best way to do this, you ask? We have the answer: a professional weather station that’s easy to use on your own property.

While regional forecasts have their place, we’re here to offer a better alternative. With a weather station configured to your specific needs, you can rest easy knowing that the information you’re receiving is current, accurate, and relevant. (much better than cursing the weatherman when he gets it wrong- in our opinion)

Any high end weather station would cost you an arm and a leg, and any low-end weather station would break down with just a touch from an arm or a leg. At Dyacon, we bring you the perfect middle ground; quality, at a reasonable price.

Ready-Made Mining Weather Station

The MS-140, configured specifically to meet the miner’s needs, is the perfect option for those needing to monitor local weather conditions. By having access to this information, you can watch wind speeds, rainfall, and temperature among many other measurements.

  • Solar Power
  • Data Logging
  • Modbus Cable Connection
  • Embedded Cell Phone
  • Email or FTP Data Logs
  • WeatherUnderground-Ready
  • Wind Speed and Direction
  • Real-time Gust Detection
  • Air Temperature
  • Barometric Pressure
  • Relative Humidity
  • Soil Temperature
  • Soil Moisture

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