Dyacon has recently released a new product: the quick-deployment tripod, or QDT-1. It is a rugged field tripod designed with seasonal and temporary weather station applications in mind, such as aviation, wild land fire management, public or athletic events, and environmental data collection. It is made of 5052 and 6061 aluminum, steel fasteners, and nylon slide components.
Since it can be deployed in a matter of seconds and does not require extra tools or equipment to set up (except possibly a hammer to implement ground stakes), the quick-deployment tripod is a practical solution for short-term, provisional implementation. QDT-1 is equipped with adjustable leg extensions to facilitate deployment on uneven surfaces, up to a 12% slope.
QDT vs. Tripod-1
So how does the quick-deployment tripod compare to our other signature tripod, Tripod-1?
Tripod-1 is a robust mounting structure constructed of machined and welded aluminum. It is intended for permanent and semi-permanent installations.
Tripod-1 legs can be adjusted up to a 13% slope, just one percent more than QDT-1. Though Tripod-1 comes with a wrench to adjust the cable clips, no other tools are needed to assemble the tripod.
Tripod-1 uses a modular construction of 3 ft (~1 m) pipe segments for the legs and mast. The standard 7-segment version can reach a height of about 15 ft (4.8 m). A taller 10-segment version is also available. QDT-1 reaches a maximum mast height of about 9 ft (~3 m).
Both QDT-1 and Tripod-1 are lightweight and portable, but QDT is only 12.6 lbs, compared to Tripod-1 at more than twice that weight.
QDT-1 primarily provides a professional option for temporary installations where rapid deployment and simplicity are required.
If you need further assistance determining which tripod is best suited for your needs, or if you need a customized solution, contact us here.