Heat Stress Weather Station
Heat stress is a major problem when it comes to manual labor, and worker safety should be a top priority of every business. Because of this, environmental monitoring is crucial. When running a business, you already have plenty of things to worry about without dealing with the incorrect information given by regional forecasts. We’re here to offer a better alternative. With a weather station configured to your specific needs, you can rest easy knowing that the information you’re receiving is current, accurate, and relevant.
Many weather stations utilize general-purpose environmental data loggers. While these are adequate for their application, users soon find that these installations can become extremely complex, requiring application engineers to write custom programs, install the equipment, and perform maintenance tasks. For the budget-conscious industrial or private user, the financial burden is well outside of consideration. In the end, you’re stuck with a weather station that you don’t understand and cannot change or maintain. At Dyacon, we have customizable reliable stations- and we’ll give them to you with the best of both worlds; quality and affordability.
Dyacon’s Solution
Dyacon weather stations are an excellent choice for industrial applications. Made in the USA, Dyacon sensors and weather stations utilize Modbus RS‑485; this lets you run more than 1,000 feet (300 m) of cable to the weather station.
The MS-100 series has a range of gauges to meet any specific needs. Starting with the MS-120 and ending with the MS-150, the sensors included measure wind speeds, air temperature and pressure, humidity levels, soil temperature and moisture, and rain levels.
All MS-100 weather stations come with an assembly of components including cell phone capability. After being installed, the MS-1XX begins to send weather reports and alarms straight to the user’s cell phone in the form of SMS. Alerts can be sent for temperatures outside a designated range, lightning, changing wind speeds, wind gusts, and other conditions. The user needs only to send a text command to receive updated information. The best part? No additional software, websites, or computer programs are required.
All Dyacon weather stations were designed to be easily and efficiently set up and maintained. When combined with a Dyacon tripod-1, Dyacon weather stations are also portable, which allows you to relocate them easily for the best performance or changes in the needs of your facility. From box to fully configured takes less an hour for the basic wire twister- no technician is required.
Feature summary:
- 12-24 VDC Power
- Autonomous Data Logging
- Modbus Cable Connection
- Wind Speed and Direction
- Real-time Gust Detection
- Air Temperature
- Barometric Pressure
- Relative Humidity
- Rainfall Data
- Soil-Temperature and Moisture
- Solar Sensor
The MS-100 series all contain standard Dyacon communication features including Modbus, USB configuration, and Weather Underground compatibility. Data logging is built into all Dyacon weather stations as well.
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